By the people
& Letters to the editor
(Page 72)

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I haven't contributed for a while so here is some interesting stuff for the "Peoples' Page".


California Women's Prison Clothing Regulations (1950s)

CLOTHING: The standard inmate uniform for all normal activities inside the cell house consists of: blue chambray shirt, Blue & White (B&W) trousers, web waist belt and issue shoes. This uniform is worn at visits, interviews, meals, movies, etc. Your shirt will be buttoned including  the top collar button. The sleeves will be rolled down and buttoned. Your belt will be worn with your register number in plain view, at the center
of your back.
You are required to wear this standard uniform to and from outside work or the Recreation Yard, but you may add to it your jacket, coat or raincoat. You may wear tennis shoes to the Recreation Yard only.
You will wear your robe and slippers or shoes when going to and from bath.
You are not allowed to change or alter any of your issue clothing. Keep your clothing neat, clean and in good repair at all times.

Special work clothing is issued for work details. This special clothing will be kept at the place of work and will not be brought to the Yard or cell house.
Culinary inmates wear a special work uniform consisting of white cap, white shirt and white pants.
This uniform is issued for work only but is worn between the cell and Culinary Unit. Culinary workers are cautioned to be wearing their complete uniform with all buttons including the top collar button fastened before leaving their cells to go to work.

In episode 2, series 2 of the US comedy "My Name is Earl", Earl's estranged wife Joy (played by Jaime Pressly) has been arrested and placed on $1M bail as a potential three-strikes looser facing a mandatory life sentence.  She's brought into court with four other women all wearing orange jumpsuits and in full restraints (waist chain with handcuffs, legirons and a chain linking the waist chain to the legirons).  The women may also be chained together, but it's hard to be sure.

New video project
The Isolation Cell

New in our shop !
Police handcuffs and legirons




New DVDs :

The Interview
The Prison of Shame
The Girl Snatcher
False friend 2

New picture CD :

  BIANCA Picture CD - 4

New videos available as STREAMING VIDEOS :

The Quarry Slaves
Martin´s Rigidcuffs
The Interview
Prison of Shame

Click here

Visit our clip store on Clips4Sale



Silly and ridiculous COPS
( a never ending story)

I found this picture on the net

I think this guy is aware that he looks ridiculous in his biker outfit . Why else this angry and embarrassed look at the photographer ?

If I were a cop I would protest against the obligation of wearing this "Tour de France" outfit . After the Discovery - Team and the US-Postal Team will there be a "US - Police Team" this year ? Can they keep their guns during the "Grande Boucle" ? What about doping controls ? Do "bicycle cops" have to make an urine test every morning before they begin their duty ?

Why did he arrest this girl and why is she handcuffed ? Is she a dangerous terrorist hiding "weapons of mass destructions" in her bikini ?
Or is it forbidden to have too much tattoos ? Or  is the bikini stolen ? Or was it just a good opportunity for him to have intimate contact with a  girl ? Yes , I know : Nobody loves the cops .... so they must try other means of seducing women .....

If you find other pictures of stupid , dumb , ridiculous cops , please mail them to me  !


"The Wicked Die Slow"

Thirty Years on the Deuce

Bill Landis' Solo Writings About Times Square 1980-2003 with special intro


Hallo Max,

da ich in der letzten Woche unterwegs war, komme ich erst jetzt dazu, Dir zu schreiben. Ich habe inzwischen die DVD "A Maid's Day" bekommen. Herzlichen Dank dafür. Ich konnte sie zwar noch nicht komplett ansehen, aber in Auszügen. Die Inhalte gefallen mir wirklich sehr gut. Eine gelungene Sache.

Herzliche Grüße,

NCSF Action Alert

Folsom Street Fair needs your help!

October 12, 2007 - The Catholic League, Concerned Women for 
America and Americans for Truth have called for a boycott of 
Miller Brewing Company because they are one of the sponsors of 
Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco -  "Miller is sponsoring an incredibly 
outrageous and palpably anti-Christian event," said Bill Donohue, 
president of the Catholic League.

Miller is feeling the heat, and we need you to email Miller 
Brewing Company and thank them for their continued support of the 
Folsom Street Fair. Please congratulate them for not caving in to 
pressure to cancel their sponsorship of the Fair. And please tell 
them you're glad to buy their products in appreciation for their 
support of the largest SM-Leather-Fetish event in America!

NCSF and ITCR: The Foundation of NCSF strongly encourage you to 
support Miller Brewing and Folsom Street Fair by emailing:

Julian Green 
Miller Spokesman 

Sample letter:

Dear Mr. Green,

I wanted to write and commend you for your continued support of 
the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. I understand you've been 
the target of religious extremists who have attacked you, and I 
wanted to tell you that I will proudly continue to purchase
Miller Brewing products because of your support for diversity and 
freedom of expression.

your name


A joint Project of NCSF and ITCR: The Foundation of NCSF

The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national 
organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social 
environment in the United States that advances equal rights of 
consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual 
expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting 
adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory 
communities, who often face discrimination because of their 
sexual expression.

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
822 Guilford Avenue, Box 127
Baltimore, MD 21202-3707


Hallo Max! 

Ich fand im Internet ein Foto, passend zu dem
Beitrag in 'By the people & Letters to the editor' 
vom 1. 7. 2007.

Irgendwie lächerlich diese Polizisten in kurzen 
Hosen, das Fahrrad sieht auch nicht nach Polizei aus.

Oder will er sich ziehen lassen, Ponygirl  vorgespannt? 

Vielleicht hat er sich nur eine für den Abend gefangen? 

Schöne Grüße 


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