of the week

Week 3
13 . 1 . 2007

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Antigone in chains
The timeless Greek classic. Antigone, the hot-headed and stubborn daughter of Oedipus, defies  new ruler Creon and buries her brother, leader of the failed rebellion.  This fink Creon sends his guards to arrest lovely Antigone and sentences her to death . Sophocles' masterpiece is about individual versus the state, conscience versus the law.

The classical representation : Antigone in heavy shackles


Creon thinks : "Hmm , this cuffs are way too loose .
I have to speak with the props department"

There are numerous productions of the greek tragedy throughout the world but this play is also very popular in school theatrical groups as it gives the opportunity to chain or handcuff the girl playing the role of Antigone 

Most modern productions use handcuffs to restrain Antigone

"You are under arrest . All you say can be used against you"

"The cuffs are only for your own security !"

Jean Anouilh also wrote an adaptation of Sophocles´ work


Antigone is arrested and handcuffed by the guards

Antigone in the prison cell
From the german TV-Movie "Berliner Antigone"

No cuffs , but ropes


From a school theatre group.
As stated on their website the furry handcuffs were only used for the rehearsals
and were later replaced with the real stuff

These were the most strange pics I found from an "Antigone" production

Black Antigone is handcuffed to a chair and gagged
with what seems to be adhesive tape
while three soldiers have fun

Antigone is cuffed to a strange "torture" (?) device

If you have more of Antigone in shackles and handcuffs , please mail it to me .
If I get enough new material I will put it online for another "Pix of the Week"


!!!New DVD !!!

Pupett and Anna Rose in

"The Girl Snatcher"


New DVD :

Prison of Shame

Picture CD-4

Price :  20 EURO

The new DVD
"The Interview"

(starring Pupett, Anna Rose, Sue  and Mark)

is ready to be sent out

Order the DVD here

New !

   Streaming Videos      Pay-per-view 

New videos added :

The Chaingang Quarry Slaves

Martin' s Rigidcuffs

The Interview

Special Guest gallery updated !

New DVDs 

Maria in
"Kidnapping Agency"

(Produced May 2006)

Order the DVD here

Pupett and CC  in
"No Parking"

(Produced September 2005)

with 3 episodes :
- No Parking
- Trapped in the Double Fiddle
- Outdoors Bondage Play

Order the DVD here

If you want to receive a FREE trailer from this DVD 
in RealMedia format (about 2 MB), 
 ask for it at

New Picture CD :   Bianca CD-4

"Bianca Picture CD-3"

- more than 4000 files

- fullsize pictures ( 1200 x1600 pixels ) with our models Holly, Eve, Cathy, Joanna, Sarah, Viki , Stacy , Valeska, Maria and Pupett in a variety of restraints : handcuffs, legirons , collars, heavy shackles, stocks and fiddles

- all the pictures we made during the latest shooting of  "False Friend" , a DVD with Eve and Pupett 

- more pictures from our recent DVDs :

The Castle of Terror
A Maid's Day
Slave Service
Eve , Secured in Steel
Prison Girl
-  the Bianca Website (situation 1.9.2005) to browse offline

- the Pix of the Week from 2002 , 2003 , 2004 and 2005

Pupett and Eve  in
"False Friend"
(Falsche Freundin)

(Produced August 2005)

Click here to order

New videos :

A Maid's Day
Prison Girl in Chains

Slave Service "Ebony & Ivory"
The Castle of Terror

Recent VIDEOS and DVDs :

A Maid's Day
Prison Girl in Chains
Slave Service "Ebony & Ivory"
The Castle of Terror
The Quarry Slaves
Ärztin in Not
EVE - Secured in Steel
The Escape Artist  +  The Bondage Model
Sweet Gwendolyn
Bondage Fantasies

Picture CDs : 

Bianca Picture CD-1

Bianca Picture CD-2

Bianca Picture CD-3

Special rigid handcuffs used in the movie "Anna Göldin - Letzte Hexe"
We used these cuffs also in our video "The Castle of Terror"

These "witch transportation handcuffs" are exclusively manufactured  by

You can order them here

 " Every witch should have one "

A Guidebook to Handcuffs and other restraints of the World



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Visit also my Special Guest Gallery