The Party

by John B.

“We’ve been asked to a party” called Sheila to her boyfriend Jon as he was about to leave for the office.

She had just finished opening the mail and she held up a stiff white card.  “It’s that guy Bob we met at the conference last year.  He’s asking us to an evening dress party the Friday after next.  It says there’ll be dancing and a special event which we’re not being told about.  It looks fun.  Shall we go?”

At one time Sheila and Jon had been very much in love but they had had a relatively stormy relationship ever since they had started living together a year previously.  Sheila always wanted to go out whereas Jon liked to stay quietly at home in the evenings.

“Must we?” asked Jon.  “I’m fed up with going out all the time.  What’s this special event about anyway?”

“No idea” commented Sheila “but if we don’t go we’ll never find out, will we?”

“Alright” replied Jon to avoid an argument.  “If you really want to let’s go.”

Sheila wrote a message of acceptance to the E-mail address given on the card and a couple of days later a message came back from Bob’s partner Felicity saying how pleased she was that they could come and enclosing the details of the dress code.  The men had to wear black dinner suits with black bow ties and the ladies were required to come in black evening dresses with formal full-length black gloves.  In view of the special event the guests were asked to arrive punctually at 8 pm.

Sheila had never been to a party at which gloves were specified, but she accepted the requirement.  The following day she went out to a glove specialist and after taking advice from the sales lady she bought herself a pair of long black kid gloves.  She looked in her wardrobe for suitable dresses but couldn’t find anything that looked formal enough, so she went to a boutique and purchased herself a long off-the-shoulder backless black satin dress.  She thought that this would probably match the formality of the gloves and she found that she had a pair of decent high-heeled black evening shoes already.

On the day of the party Jon grumbled about the need to dress in a dinner suit but he perked up considerably when Sheila appeared beautifully made up and ready to go out in her new clothes.   However, he looked at Sheila’s gloves dubiously and asked if they weren’t just a little over the top.

“They’re what I’m asked to wear and I think they look really good” replied Sheila.

“They look a little odd to me” commented John rather ungraciously but he didn’t complain since he realised that Sheila was looking very glamorous in her new outfit and he didn’t want to upset her.  They went downstairs to the car and started off for the place where the party was to take place.

As soon as they arrived at the gate punctually at eight o’clock Sheila and Jon could see that Bob was clearly pretty wealthy.  There was a long drive up to a very large house, in front of which several cars were parked.  They got out of the car and went in through the front door, which stood open.  Almost immediately a very elegantly dressed lady in a strapless black dress came up to them.  Her long suede gloves contrasted with the shiny material of the dress and she looked very beautiful indeed, albeit rather forbidding.

“Hi, you must be Sheila and Jon.  I’m Felicity.  Do come in and meet our other guests” she said and took them into a large room with double doors at each end.  About fifteen other couples were already present and Sheila realised immediately that her decision to buy new clothes has been absolutely justified.  She had never ever seen such a fabulously dressed crowd.  Felicity introduced Sheila and Jon to several of the guests whilst a waitress handed round glasses of champagne and canapés.

After about half an hour Sheila and Jon were beginning to wonder when dinner was going to be served when Bob raised his voice and said that Felicity had an announcement to make.  However, what she had to say was not what they had expected.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” she started “As you know, we mentioned in our invitations to you that there was going to be a special event tonight.  We’ve decided that it would be interesting to involve you all in a sadomasochistic game.  Anyone who doesn’t want to participate in the game is welcome to depart within the next five minutes but after that the doors are going to be closed, so that nobody can leave the room.  Bob and I are then going to draw out of a hat cards with the names of two of our guests, one a lady and the other a man.  The guests whose names are drawn will be arrested and escorted into the basement, where they will be chained up to whipping posts.  At four o’clock tomorrow morning they will be whipped severely and you are all invited to view the spectacle.  You are also welcome in the course of the evening to view the prisoners whilst they are awaiting their fate.  Bob and I believe that you will enjoy the entertainment as well as the thrill of the risk that two of you will be selected for punishment.”

The guests drew breath and looked at each other.  Sheila noticed that a couple of the other guests evidently had reservations about the game, since they fairly quickly left the room.  Jon turned to Sheila.

“I think we should leave straightaway.  I didn’t bargain for this at all” said Jon rather angrily.

“Don’t be such a coward, Jon” answered Sheila scathingly.  “I didn’t come all this way simply to go back home again.  We can leave if you haven’t got the moral courage to stay but I won’t think much of you if we do so.”

“I think this is all crazy but if you really insist on being involved in this stupid game then I suppose I’ll have to accept it” commented Jon with a bad grace.

“You’re so boring” retorted Sheila “This is the most exciting thing I’ve experienced for ages and I’m certainly not going to pass the opportunity up”.

Before Jon had an opportunity to say any more the two sets of double doors were closed by attendants who looked like guards in black shirts and black trousers.  It was impossible to tell whether they were male or female, since each of them wore a black cloth mask with holes for eyes, nose and mouth.  The guests heard the doors being locked from outside and one of the attendants carried a waste paper basket over to Bob and Felicity.

“I’m going to pick the card for the man and Bob will pick the card for the lady” announced Felicity.  She put his hand into the basket and pulled out a blue card.  He then slowly opened it, announced the name on it and pointed to a man standing towards the back of the room.  Two of the attendants immediately went over to him and the guests watched as his hands were pulled behind his back and his wrists were handcuffed together.   Although the man concerned looked rather pale he appeared composed and he did not struggle.

“I’m sorry, Jim” said Bob “but it looks as if your number has come up.  Take him away.”  The attendants held their prisoner firmly and marched him through one of the sets of double doors, which they locked behind them

Now Bob put his hand into the basket and pulled out a pink card.  He opened it and to Sheila’s horror she heard her name being announced.

“No!  No!” she shrieked rushing over to one of the sets of double doors and trying to wrench it open.  “I didn’t mean to participate at all”.  However, the attendants pulled her arms roughly behind and snapped rigid handcuffs tightly onto her wrists.  She screamed again.  “Please, please let me go and choose someone else.  I just want to go home.”

Jon looked at her mercilessly.

“I don’t know what you’re moaning about.  It was you who wanted to stay.  You’ll have to put up with what’s coming to you now, won’t you?”

“That’s really rotten of you” yelled Sheila, struggling with the attendants.

Felicity looked over at Sheila.  “I think you should develop some moral courage and stop complaining.  There’s no way out for you and you're going to take your medicine.  You wanted to take part in the game and you accepted the risk.  Take her downstairs.”

The attendants dragged Sheila yelling and screaming out of the room and it was a little while before the noise subsided.

“Now that we’ve selected our victims we’ll go into dinner” announced Felicity.  “In the course of the evening we’ll accompany those of you who are interested in small groups down to the cellar to inspect the prisoners and the arrangements.”

The two sets of double doors were opened again and the guests slowly moved off in the direction of what Jon assumed was the dining room.  Felicity came over to Jon and touched him on the arm.

“I’m really sorry that Sheila has taken it so badly, Jon, but she should have realised that she was taking the risk as well as everyone else” she said.

“That’s alright, Felicity” replied Jon.  “I wasn’t very happy about your game and I was keen to leave but since I’m here I’ll stay to the end.”

“I’m glad about that, Jon” remarked Felicity.  “We’ve got a real expert with the whip coming and Sheila will be in bad shape be the time he’s finished with her.  She’ll need a lot of care afterwards.  However, I need to find you a partner for dinner, so come along and I’ll introduce you to Alicia.”

Felicity took Jon by the arm and guided him out of the room into the front hall where a tall girl was standing by herself.

“Here, meet Alicia” said Felicity “Alicia, this is Jon.  His girl Sheila has just been selected for the whipping post”

“That’s really bad luck for her and I saw her shrieking and struggling as they took her downstairs.  But it’s given me the opportunity of meeting you” said Alicia in a soft rather seductive voice and held out her hand to Jon.

He shook the girl’s hand and looked at her properly for the first time.  She was one of the most stunning creatures he had ever seen.  Her short black hair set off a beautifully made up face with perfect features.  She was wearing an extremely short matt black evening dress with shoe-string straps and whilst this was cut relatively high in front as soon as she turned to accompany him into dinner he saw that it was backless to well below her waistline.  The effect of the dress, her perfect legs and the relatively extreme high-heeled evening shoes she was wearing was sexually overpowering.  However, Jon noticed that in contrast with the other ladies at the party Alicia was not wearing gloves.  The reason was apparent, since gloves would have covered up her beautiful dark red inch and a half long brilliantly lacquered square-cut nails and this would have detracted from the overall effect.

“Forgive my asking” said Jon and he accompanied Alicia into the dining room “but aren’t all the ladies supposed to be wearing gloves?”

“Oh, I’m special” replied Alicia with a gay laugh “and I never do what I’m told anyway.  By the way, I’m a guest in the house tonight and I’ve known all about the event for some time, but I would never ever take the risk of being whipped by Stefan, the guy who’s going to do the job this evening.  Sheila’s going to have a really tough time, but then she probably deserves it from what I saw this evening.  She was struggling and yelling as they dragged her downstairs and I wasn’t very impressed.”

There was a buffet in the dining room.  Alicia and Jon helped themselves to some smoked salmon and looked for a place to eat.  After some searching they found a window seat in the hall and sat down together.  Jon couldn’t take his eyes off Alicia, who was getting more seductive by the minute.  Alicia crossed her legs provocatively and they started to chat.

“You’re a good looking guy, Jon.  Why are you living with a girl like Sheila?” asked Sheila.  “She looks thoroughly bad news to me.  I’m sure you could do much better for yourself with somebody else”

Jon was a little taken aback by her directness but he had to admit that there was a lot of sense in what Alicia was saying.

“We started off alright but things haven’t been going too well recently” he replied.

“What you need is a girl who will really stretch you sexually and mentally” commented Alicia.   “Now that Sheila’s well and truly locked up downstairs you can have some fun with me this evening.  I’m demanding but you’ll enjoy every minute of it.  Let’s dance a little and then see where it takes us” and with these words she took Jon by the arm and let him into the next room, where a small group with a singer was providing music.

Jon was a good dancer, although he had had little opportunity to use his skill for a while.  However, Alicia’s ability on the dance floor was spectacular and for nearly an hour the couple energetically enjoyed dance after dance.  Then the music changed to a more intimate slow rhythm and Alicia moved close to Jon so that their bodies were touching in almost every place that mattered.  They had been dancing cheek to cheek for nearly twenty minutes when Alicia gently drew Jon to the side of the dance floor.

“Let’s go and look at the prisoners and see how they’re getting on and after that let’s go up to my room here for a little more intimacy” suggested Alicia.

Jon could not resist the offer.  “That sounds good to me.  Let’s go for it” he replied.

Alicia took Jon by the hand and let him to a small door off the hall.  They went down some steps and almost immediately found themselves in a large basement.  A large notice had been put up, asking the guests not to talk.  The room was eerily silent.

The walls were painted black and towards the back of the room two tall metal frames had been erected.  Sheila and her male counterpart were each chained tightly to a frame and their arms were pulled up over their heads, the chains fixed to single handcuffs pulling their wrists tautly up to the pulleys fixed to the ceiling.  Both prisoners were completely naked but were wearing rubber masks without eye-holes.  Each mask was fitted with what looked like a breathing tube.

“The masks have got pump-up gags” whispered Alicia in Jon’s ear.  “Sheila can’t see at all, she can’t hear much and she can’t make a sound.  I expect she’s already suffering and she’ll be in a terrible state by the time Stefan whips her early tomorrow morning.”

Jon looked at Alicia and smiled.  “It sounds terrible but I’m pleased” he whispered back “and I hope she really learns her lesson.”  He put his arm around Alicia’s waist and they climbed back into the hall again and then up the main staircase to the first floor.  Alicia looked around to make sure that nobody was in sight and then opened one of the doors.  They went inside and Jon found himself in a beautifully appointed bedroom with a large double bed.

Alicia disappeared into the en-suite bathroom but she re-appeared a couple of minutes later.  She had taken off her dress and her beautiful body was irresistible.  Jon tore off his clothes and threw himself onto the bed, pulling Alicia down on top of him.  They writhed and made frenzied love together, coming to orgasm at precisely the same moment.  After a short rest in each others’ arms they started to make love again and this continued without pause for three hours.  Never in his life had Jon experienced sex of this quality and he realised that Alicia was an absolute expert.  She knew moves and positions which he had had no idea of and she knew how to bring him to a state of absolute ecstasy in a way which he was experiencing for the first time.

“Turn over away from me for a minute” whispered Alicia softly into his ear.  He did as he was told and felt his arms being gently drawn behind his back.  Then he heard a click, he felt a sudden pain in both of his thumbs and he realised that his hands were joined together.

“What on earth have you done” he called out in panic.

“Don’t worry, Jon. They’re simply thumb cuffs” replied Alicia calmly.  I just need you to stay still while I do something and this is the best way.  Just relax and don’t flip out”.

Jon heard Alicia reaching for something and a few moments later she snapped a pair of hinged handcuffs tightly onto his wrists between his hand and his wrist-bone, so that his palms faced outwards   Jon drew breath quickly, since the sensation was very uncomfortable, but he remained still.  Alicia crawled over to his feet and Jon found rigid leg-irons like handcuffs being put onto his ankles, which Alicia had taken out of a bag on the floor.

“I’m sorry if this all feels strange but I always like to have my men helpless before I put them into real captivity.  I’m going to fit you with a chastity device and this will make sure that you stay loyal to me.  Sheila isn’t going to get any chance with you in bed any more.”

Jon writhed a little but realised that he was more or less completely immobilised. He looked at Alicia in despair.

“Please, please don’t do this to me.  You’re going to ruin my life” he pleaded.

“No, I’m not.  I’m only going to make sure that you remain my man and nobody else’s” said Alicia smiling  “I don’t want your looking at what I’m going to do, so I’m going put you into a mask.”

Jon felt her pull a black rubber mask over his face and heard her zipping it up at the back.  He could breathe though his nose but he could see nothing. The mask pressed hard against his mouth, so that he could only make moaning noises.  He then felt her putting something around his penis which pressed on it and then something else was snapped on behind his testicles.  Alicia then fitted something metal tightly around his waist and Jon realised that he was trapped in a chastity belt.  He wriggled to no avail and realised that she could do what she liked with him.  The mask was unzipped and he saw that his penis was completely obscured by a metal plate which was attached to the belt.

“It’s made of hard stainless steel and it’s got a special security lock which you won’t be able to pick.  Nobody can cut it off without really hurting you, so I wouldn’t suggest you try escaping from it.  You’re going to be stuck until the next time we make love together and I’ll decide when that’s going to be” remarked Alicia.  “A little celibacy will do you no harm and I’ll expect you to be really attentive and obedient.  I’m going to leave you here handcuffed while I go down and amuse myself watching Sheila being flogged.  I’ll come back later on and get you but I don’t want your yelling or screaming while I’m downstairs, so I’m going to fix you up a little more firmly”

Alicia rammed a gag like a wedge into his mouth, which was fitted to a head-harness.  She pulled the straps of the harness tight and Jon felt the wedge being forced into his mouth, pushing his tongue down so that he could not do more than moan quietly. After this she pulled his ankles up and locked the leg irons with a short chain and a padlock to the handcuffs.

Jon was in despair.  Alicia had creating an almost impossible situation for him.  How was he going to explain the chastity belt to Sheila?  Would it be the end of their relationship?  He was paying a huge price for his few hours of bliss with Alicia and he realised that she had him absolutely in her power.  He really regretted his moment of weakness.

“There now, that’s just how I want you” said Alicia. “I’m good in bed but I really make my men pay for it afterwards.   See you later” were her last words before she left the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

Jon writhed on the bed.  The handcuffs cut into his wrists and his shoulders ached.  Eventually he found that the only thing to do was to try to relax completely.  Little by little he calmed down and he started to come to terms with his situation.  Alicia was a very, very exciting woman and even if there was a price to pay it might well be worth it in comparison with his relatively sterile affair with Sheila.  He felt less and less compassion for Sheila and he hoped that the whip was really going to hurt her.

Alicia walked slowly down to the basement and Felicity came up to her.

“Well?” asked Felicity with a sly smile.

“He’s been well and truly serviced and I’ve left him hog-chained upstairs in a chastity belt” replied Alicia with a broad smile.

“What are you going to do with him afterwards?”

“I’ll think about it when the time comes.  I want to see how Sheila bears up under the flogging and then I’ll make my decision” responded Alicia.

The two women joined the group of guests in the basement.  There was absolute silence and then Stefan appeared, carrying a long single-tailed whip.  He then started to whip the two victims in turn, giving each of them twenty lashes and then repeating the process.  Terrible moans could be heard from both prisoners, as the whip stripped the skin away from their upper backs, leaving marks which started to bleed freely.  After a hundred lashes Stefan stopped, walked over to a small table and drank a glass of water.  Then he started off again and administered another hundred lashes.  Sheila’s back had become criss-crossed with brilliant bleeding red marks.  The guests watched with a mixture of horror and fascination.  Bob went over to Stefan.

“I think your handiwork is great, Stefan “he said “but I think we ought to call it a day now, since I don’t want them too badly hurt.”

“OK” replied Stefan reluctantly.  Bob ushered the guests out of the basement, leaving Felicity and Alicia alone with Stefan and the prisoners.

“Stefan, you could do us a big favour” said Felicity.  “Alicia would really like to see Sheila get another fifty lashes.  We really want to see the blood flow.”

“I think that may be a little dangerous, Felicity” he replied.  “I don’t want to cause internal injuries.”

“Come on, Stefan” she retorted.  “I’m sure you can pace it.”

“Bob won’t like it” he replied firmly “and I want to be able to come again.”

“Alright, but I think Alicia would like to talk to Sheila” replied Felicity.

Stefan removed the mask, revealing Sheila’s face.  It was clear that she was at the end of her tether.  She made no sound but simply looked in terror and pain at Alicia as she walked around to speak to her.

“My name’s Alicia and I’ve had a nice time with Jon while you’ve been locked up here” she remarked.  “I reckon I’m better than you are at recreational sex and I’ve given him the kind of pleasure you probably couldn’t even think of.   However, it’s my practice to extract my price and his now upstairs locked up in handcuffs, leg-irons and a chastity belt.  He’s not very happy with his situation but then I don’t suppose you’re very happy with your own position at the moment.”

Sheila’s voice was faint and resigned.  It almost seemed as if she hadn’t appreciated the full significance of what Alicia had just said.

“Please, just take me down and let me rest.  I’ve had enough for tonight” was her quiet plea.

“Certainly, we’ll let you rest eventually, Sheila” said Felicity calmly “but I want Alicia to have some time with Jon and I don’t want your making trouble, so I’m going ask Stefan to lock you up in the cellar to cool off.  He’ll put some stuff on your back to disinfect the wounds but I’m afraid you won’t look good in a backless dress for a while to come.  Frankly, I think it serves you right.  You shouldn’t have behaved so badly to Jon.  I still think you should have another fifty lashes.”

“Give me the whip, Stefan” called out Alicia suddenly in a loud voice.  “If you won’t do it then I will.”  Stefan reluctantly handed Alicia the whip.

“Be careful, Alicia” he warned.  “Her body won’t take much more.”

Alicia took no heed.  She lifted the whip and it flashed through the air before landing squarely on Sheila’s upper back, gouging a deep bleeding furrow.  Sheila let out a faint scream.  Alicia lashed out again and again, trying to mark Sheila in places which Stefan had missed.  Then Sheila’s body suddenly fell limp.

“She’s lost consciousness” called out Stefan.  “We must take her down immediately.”  He unlocked the restraints and lowered Sheila to the floor but took the precaution of handcuffing her hands behind her back.  Slowly she came to herself again and looked around her.  Her voice was barely audible.

“I realise I’ve been a bitch and I know I’ve deserved what I’ve had, but please let me have Jon back, Alicia. ”

“I’ll think about it, Sheila” replied Alicia coldly as Felicity and Stefan carefully carried Sheila over to a couch and laid her down “but I still want Felicity to keep you locked up for a good long while.  When I’ve finished with Jon he can join you in the cellar and you can both talk about it.”

Stefan carried Sheila out of the room into an adjacent cellar, in which there were two small cages.  He carefully pushed Sheila into one of the cages and closed the door, securing it with a padlock.  Sheila could move around a little in the cage, although the handcuffs on her wrists seriously impeded her mobility.  He then took from his pocket a tube of antiseptic cream and carefully applied it to Sheila’s back through the bars.

Felicity came into the cellar and spoke to Sheila.

“You’re going to stay here for a few hours and Jon will be locked in the second cage once Alicia’s finished with him.  I’m glad you’re sorry about behaving badly and we’ll all forgive you if you get the message properly.  We’ll check on you regularly down here, to make sure you’re not in too much pain, but I’m afraid it’s not going to be very comfortable.”

Sheila looked at Felicity through the bars.

“Please don’t think I’m angry with you, Felicity” she replied.  “I believe I deserved my punishment and I realise why you need to keep me locked up for a while.  I’ve learnt a lot about myself during the past few hours and I’m going to change my attitude.  Can you give me any idea how long I’m going to be down here?”

“Not at the moment, Sheila” responded Felicity.  “It will depend very much on how Jon and you behave.  We don’t want to let you out until you’ve completely cooled off and that may take a good while.  I expect too that Alicia will want to have a say in the matter.”

Tears started to stream down Sheila’s face.  “I’ve really screwed it up” she sobbed.  “Am I going to get any mercy at all from Alicia?”

“I don’t know, Sheila” commented Felicity.  “Alicia’s a very tough lady and she’s not known for being kind.  She likes to get what she wants and at the moment she’s got Jon in her power.  I’ve no idea if she’s ready to give him up that easily.”

Felicity left the cellar and shut the door, locking it behind her.  There was a dim emergency light in one corner and everything was very quiet.  Sheila found that the constrained position in the cage very uncomfortable but at least she was not being whipped.  She tried to relax whilst she thought the situation over.

Alicia made her way back up the stairs to her bedroom.  Jon glared at her from behind his gag whilst lying chained on the bed but he was unable to say anything.  Alicia launched into a monologue.

“Well Jon, Sheila’s been very soundly whipped and she won’t want to show her back off for a good long time.  It’s a bloody mess at the moment.  I’ve had a little chat with her.  She knows all about our recreational sex and the chastity belt.  Despite everything I think she would like you back but I’m not sure that I’ll agree to that yet.  I’m going to take you down to the cellar and ask Felicity to lock you up with Sheila for a few hours.  Don’t even try to talk to me, since I’m not going to take the gag off.”

Alicia opened the door of the bedroom and looked out, to check if the coast was clear.  Then she quickly unlocked Jon’s leg irons, pulled him to his feet and guided him down the two flights of stairs into the basement, where Stefan was waiting for here.

“Here’s the inmate for the second cage, Stefan” remarked Alicia with a grin.  Stefan took Jon by the arm into the cellar, opened the door of the second cage and helped Jon to get inside it.  Then he closed the door and left Jon in the cage, handcuffed and gagged.

Jon looked at Sheila through the bars and made moaning noises but the gag prevented him from saying anything intelligible.

“We’ve both got ourselves into this, Jon” said Sheila softly.  “I behaved badly to you and I’m really sorry.  As you can see, I’ve been badly whipped and I don’t know you long we’re going to stay here.  I think we’ve both deserved what’s happened to us and I’m wondering if we could make a new start.

Jon responded by nodding his head in agreement and Sheila smiled at him shyly.  “I came whilst I was being flogged, Jon, and although the pain was terrible the whole thing was terribly erotic.  After we get home we could try it ourselves if it’s something you’ve like to do.”

Jon was unable to respond but Sheila got the impression that his reaction was not one of rejection.  They both relaxed as far as possible in the two cages.  Sheila closed her eyes and tried to sleep but the constrained position made this extremely difficult.  Time passed and it was completely silent in the cellar.  Jon suddenly wondered if Sheila and he were being left to rot in the cages and that they might starve to death.  However, the panic passed and the two prisoners relaxed, accepting their fate as far as they could do so.

Footsteps sounded outside the cellar and Stefan entered, accompanied by Alicia and Felicity.

“What’s your pleasure?” Felicity asked Alicia.

“I’d like Jon to receive the same number of lashes as Sheila has had, if Stefan’s prepared to administer them” replied Alicia, looked coldly at Jon through the bars.  “If he accepts his punishment like a man then I’m prepared to let him out of the chastity belt.  How about it, Jon?”

Jon nodded his head and Sheila smiled at him proudly.

Stefan unlocked Jon’s cage and helped him out.  Sheila was left in the other cage but she was able to watch through the open cellar door.  Alicia handed Stefan the keys to the manacles, so that Stefan could unlock them and then attach Jon’s wrists and ankles to the frame.  The whole assembly was tightened, pulling Jon’s hands tightly up over his head and Stefan took up the whip.

Jon moaned repeatedly through the gag as the whip struck again and again at his bare back, which started to look like Sheila’s.   Eventually he finished the punishment and lowered Jon from the frame.  Then Alicia carefully unlocked the chastity belt and removed the device from Jon’s penis.

Bob came into the basement.

“We’re proud of you two “ he said.  “You’ve taken your punishment really well and you now belong to our inner circle.  I expect you’d like to rest now, so we’ll take both of you upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms.  Our other male victim is already upstairs chilling out.”

Jon and Sheila were released and the couple walked stiffly upstairs, hand in hand.  Once they reached the bedroom they cradled each other on the bed and slowly made love together.  Then they fell asleep in each other’s arms and it was late in the evening before they awoke.  Felicity knocked on the door.

“I’m left some jeans and tops for both of you outside the door” she called out.  Jon and Sheila had baths and about twenty minutes later they both came downstairs into the hall.  Alicia was nowhere to be seen but Bob and Felicity were there to greet them.

“Come and have something to eat.  Alicia left half an hour ago but she’s asked me to give you both her best wishes” said Bob.  “By the way, Alicia’s a prostitute I hired for the evening.  She’s pretty good at the role play, isn’t she?”

Sheila and Jon both spontaneously broke into laughter.

“We’re so grateful to Felicity and you” remarked Sheila.  “You’ve really put Jon’s and my relationship back together again.  I think however that we’ll soon be visiting an SM store to buy a few goodies.”

Felicity and Bob looked admiringly at the couple.

“What do you know?” commented Bob with a grin.

